
Expedition Walcheren in Veere 1809 @ veere
aug 23 – aug 25 hele dag

Op 23 t/m 25 augustus 2019 wordt de Walcheren Expeditie groots herdacht in Veere.

Dit historisch evenement geeft u een indruk van hoe het er aan toe ging in Veere anno 1809. kanongebulder klinkt door de lucht, diverse historische schepen bestoken het Zeeuwse stadje vanaf de Reede met als gevolg de landing der Engelsen.

Diverse scheepjes zetten Engelse soldaten aan land waarna Veere zal worden verdedigd door de Fransen en Nederlanders.

 Beleef het mee op 23 t/m 25 augustus 2019! Vindt meer info here

Regency Ball at Schielandshuis @ Het Schielandshuis
okt 28 @ 2:00 pm – 11:45 pm

Regency Ball at Schielandshuis

The Regency Ball is held at Schielandshuis in Rotterdam, Saturday 28 October
The Ball is in honour of Napoleon who stayed at Schielandshuis for 2 nights with his wife Marie Louise 25 – 27 October 1811. The Ball will be held the 28th, the day after.
There will be a danceworkshop at 2-4pm with Dance master and choreographer Lieven Baert who will guide us through the dances during the ball too.
7.30 pm start reception in the Hall, with coffee & tea
8.00 pm start Ball with Dance master and choreographer Lieven Baert and ‘Das Neue Mannheimer Orchester Kamermusici’
Dresscode: Regency/Empire,1795-1815 attire

Regency weekend in Veere @ Veere
aug 23 – aug 25 hele dag

For the 215th anniversary of ‘Walcheren Expedition 1809′ we will organise a Civilian weekend in Veere.

Program 23-25 August 2024
Friday 23 August
7 pm – Dinner at Restaurant de Peperboom
Saturday 24 August
There will be horse games ‘ringsteken’ throughout the day at Oranjeplein
& Guided tours in the morning
12.30 – 2.30 pm – Dance workshop in ‘de Korenmaat’
6.45 pm – Coach to the ball Venue: Veere-Middelburg leaving from Veere ‘Parking Kanaal’ or ‘Mauritsbolwerk’
7 – 12 pm – Mayor Schorer Ball in the Townhall of Middelburg
Coach back to Veere leaves at 00.15
Sunday 25 August
10 – 12 am or 12.30-14.30 pm Regency Sail for 2 hours around lake Veere on authentic dutch vessels originally used for fishing
10 – 11 am or 12.30-13.30 pm Carriage ride through historic Veere & surroundings
3 pm – Afternoon Tea & Chocolate.
Weather permitting outside ‘de Korenmaat’ or inside restaurant ‘de Peperboom’
Dresscode for the activities: Regency/Empire1795-1815 attire